Masalah: login gunakan SPRING Security + Stored Procedure (custom authentication)
Mencabar gak task ni. Sebab dah biasa gunakan config login SPRING Security & LDAP.
Work in progress:
- cuba guna custom beans + custom filter.
- daripada docs suruh guna custom AuthenticationProvider
Kajian & rujukan:
- Beans Go Crazy: Custom Authentication using Spring Security
- melalui jawapan yang diberi, mungkin boleh modify userdetails, cuma ini framework SPRING Security 2.0
- Implement custom AuthenticationProvider in Spring Security 2.06
-, the most relevant info for my problems. What a shame, never found this post before, Google should be blamed for it! ***Working on this solution***
- masalah dgn bean la pulak!!!
-; tak sempat baca lagi.